Nanny Piggins and the origin story by R.A. Spratt

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This is the outstanding prequel to R.A Spratt's bestselling series about the circus-performing pig who is also a brilliant nanny. Packed full of wit and vocabulary to die for, this delivers on all the levels that the original series is loved for. Beginning with her life as a young piglet in a teeny tiny sty along with thirteen identical fourteen-uplet sisters (and one black-sheep brother) we learn the intricate details of how she came to be a circus star and then eventually a nanny. Readers love the complete wackiness of these stories and this is no exception - there is a ringmaster who dishes out chocolate cupcakes laced with a sleeping tonic, a Russian bear who is the most spectacular ballet dancer and an elephant with an atrocious memory. R.A Spratt is wonderful at not writing down to her younger audience - she gives them everything, including complex jokes and references that make these books a delightful read for both children and adults. There is an entrance point for everyone and multiple levels of understanding that demonstrate just what a master of language she is. There is wonderful tragedy and unbelievable immorality, reminiscent of A Series of Unfortunate Events. At the end of the book is a glossary of her siblings, a translation of useful Russian phrases (for translating Boris) and a recipe for emergency chocolate muffins. Those already familiar with Nanny Piggins with adore this prequel, but it is also a wonderful introduction to her (and R.A Spratt) and will no doubt lead new readers to the rest of the series. 

Themes: Pigs, Circus, Humour.

Nicole Nelson