My epic Dad! takes us fishing by Dani Vee and Marina Verola

A worthy sequel to My epic Dad! Takes us camping and My extraordinary Mum, kids will laugh out loud at this caper as all the old fishing jokes are on show as the predictable and unpredictable happens when Dad thinks he is an expert in the field. Putting his children into the jeep with lines and tackle, dinghy and waders see them all set out to the river. In rhyming lines the story unfolds as Dad tries to catch a fish and show his kids how it is done. The first thing he does is fall in, causing a mild panic when a fin cna be seen in the water. The kids work their hardest to drag him back on board, crabs snapping at his cheeks. Back on board he feels a shock run through him as an eel wraps itself around his leg, but worse follows when a selection of crocodiles appear. One takes the bottom out of his pants, one eyes the bait on the end of his line and one takes his shoe and sock.The children cast a line and a hook impairs itself in Dad’s lip. Giving up the dinghy the family puts on waders to try their luck in the shallower parts of the river. Even here, Dad attracts things that are not wanted. A snake coils around Dad’s rod, and he falls into a poison ivy bush while being covered by the worms he bought along as bait. Running through a spider’s web he falls into a wombat hole. What a day!
Kids will roar with laughter as Dad gets into all sorts of scrapes and be pleasantly surprised when the children finally catch a fish at the end of the day, just in time to cook for tea.
A positively funny tale of a family doing something outdoors together, overcoming obstacles, keeping on trying, until a fish is caught.
Younger readers will appreciate the family centred activity and be able to predict the rhyming words at the end of each line. The funny illustrations will keep readers equally amused as they see the humour in the background, the snippets of Dad jokes used and recognise the looks on their faces. I love the looks on everybody’s face as they go from laughing to surprise to patience and impatience, resignation to frustration and finally love and support.
Themes: Fishing, Family, Fathers, Optimism, Humour, Adventure.
Fran Knight