Mrs Turtle becomes a Grandma by Julia Hopp. Illus. by Michael Lee

Mrs Turtle is so excited that she is to become a grandma. She knows she will love the new hatchling more than anything. However, Mrs Turtle worries that she may not be quite good enough as she is not just an ordinary turtle. Mrs Turtle is not a good swimmer or diver, does not like basking in the sun without sunscreen, has excellent teeth, loves being surrounded by friends, enjoys being fit, travels the world, has excellent vision and loves listening to rock music. All of these special traits make her very unusual in turtle world. Will she be the right type of grandma? When baby turtle finally arrives, she knows all will be well.
This is a very engaging story about being true to ourselves. The illustrations are bright, colourful and very appealing. The reader might just see turtles in a new light! This book could be a great gift for anyone becoming a grandmother for the first time.
Themes: Turtles, Grandmothers, Family.
Kathryn Beilby