More or less : democracy and new media ed. by Helen Sykes
Future Leaders, 2012. ISBN 9780980332070.
(Senior secondary: Adult) Future leaders is an organisation which
seeks to foster and promote leadership by young Australians and
their latest publication is a collection of essays which guide
consideration of the nature and role of new media in Democratic
society. The second half of the book contains examples of creative
writing pieces submitted by senior secondary students.
Contributions by prominent Australians and academics form chapters
which are distinct and unrelated beyond the common theme of media.
The observations are often complex and sometimes expressed in lofty
terms, to the point that some contributors could be considered self
- indulgent. Other writers employ ordinary language to convey worthy
and thought provoking points of view and because the works stand
alone, the reader can be selective.
Whilst many secondary students will reject this work as too
challenging or because they are disinterested in the topic, others
will benefit from the opportunity to consider concepts and ideas
which they might not readily encounter in their regular sphere. This
is a notion touched upon by some of the writers when referring to
the standard and style of news / current affairs appearing on
television and radio or the staggering political bias perpetuated by
suffocating and dominating media ownership. Agenda driven or
erroneous material available on websites and blogs and the capacity
to reduce serious matters to puerile catch cries or to convert inane
or unimportant incidents to 'news' in online updates, sound grabs or
tweets is also revealed. Populist movements, regarded as powerful
and just or alternatively naive and ineffective, (depending upon
one's point of view) also come under scrutiny.
This book offers many insights on topics such as the balance of
freedom of information against personal privacy and security,
questioning whether we are becoming more ignorant when access to
information has never been greater and consideration of the
principle that exchange of ideas is vital in healthy democracies. If
nothing else is gained however, students will understand that they
must be discerning in what they read, see and hear, to appreciate
who is behind the presentation and to what extent they are being
Rob Welsh
Editor's note: A free copy of this book is available for every
secondary school. Contact Dr Helen Sykes at Future Leaders: