Marvellous Miles by Sarah Watts. Illus. by Aleksandra Szmidt

Marvellous Miles is a thoughtful look at a medical condition that is often misunderstood in its early stages before diagnosis. Miles has friends he attends school with and while he participates in all activities often he seems to be staring blankly or his body does not move how he wants it to. His parents seek support from the medical profession and after some tests Miles is diagnosed with epilepsy. He is given medication to take regularly and he now finds he can keep up with his classmates. He does get tired though and quiet places are set up for him.
This book has been sponsored by Epilepsy ACT who feel it will raise awareness and offer support especially for children. The illustrations are engaging with an array of colourful animals creatively drawn. Marvellous Miles allows a gentle introduction to further understanding the condition of epilepsy, and will offer adult a supportive text when sharing this information with children.
Themes: Epilepsy, Animals, Inclusivity, Education, Medical Intervention.
Kathryn Beilby