Local icons by Sally Heinrich

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South Australian author, illustrator and artist Sally Heinrich, has had her stunning hand-created lino prints of influential SA icons displayed in a beautifully presented new publication. Each double page spread showcases one of these well-known, and not so well-known icons, with both accessible well-spaced text and a detailed striking image.

This perfect ‘coffee table’ book begins with a brief introduction to Sally, followed by the contents page, a delightful forward by Tracy Crisp who writes… ‘through her art, Sally shares with us her wonderful sense of curiosity about the world…’ and then poignant words from Sally describing her journey to appreciate what she has found in South Australia.

Each of the local icons considered and celebrated by the inticate and colourful lino prints has a compelling story to tell. The first one is Don Dunstan resplendent in pink shorts, followed by Humphrey B Bear with whom Sally had a strong childhood connection. Other influential people mentioned are Julia Gillard, Gladys Sym Choon, Dr Andrew Thomas, Mahomet Allum, Paul Kelly, Dame Roma Mitchell, Jack Oatey, Nora Heysen, Iparrityi, Kate Cocks, Colin Thiele, Mary Lee, Koolbiri, George Hubert Wilkins, Po Chun Fung aka Bobo, Mary MacKillop, Max Schubert and Anne Wills.

Some of these icons will be more familiar than others but their own individual stories have played an important role in shaping South Australia in so many different yet connected ways. Local Icons deserves a place in a home, school or public library, and would also make a fabulous gift.

Themes: South Australians, Influential People, Biographies, Art, Lino-Print making, Achievements.

Kathryn Beilby