Lionel and me by Corinne Fenton. Illus. by Tracie Grimwood

A beautiful relationship exists between a large yellow haired dog called Maverick and his owners, two young children he adores. They do everything together. They sleep together, eat their meals together, go on walks on the beach and most importantly love each other.
That is until Lionel comes into their lives. This small dachshund pup takes over the relationship Maverick has with his owner. Lionel is always asleep, and on Maverick’s bed, he whines and leaves small piles of poo, and must be carried when they go on their walks. Lionel seems to take up much of the family’s time, leaving Maverick left out and alone. One day he eats all of Lionel’s food and is banished to the dog house in the garden.
But one day Lionel does something which gains his family’s disapproval and is also sent to the dog house. Here they create a bond of friendship.
This beautiful story will encourage compassion within the audience as they too can recognise times when they have left someone out or been overlooked and isolated themselves.
Strong themes of friendship, acceptance and inclusion are woven through the story and expertly captured by the illustrator, Tracie Grimwood. More can be seen about this diverse illustrator here.
The illustrations are all encompassing, revealing the love that exists between an animal and his humans, while cautioning the readers that love can be tenuous, changeable and must be practised to make sure everyone is included. Readers will quickly understand the hurt that Maverick is feeling being left out of their activities and nowhere is this more heart breaking when Maverick is sent to the dog house. That Grimwood shows that it is raining adds another level of sadness. Detail on each page will ensure eyes will scan what’s happening, taking to heart the meaning of friendship, and including everyone within that circle. Teaching notes are available.
Themes: Inclusion, Friendship, Dogs, Sibling rivalry, Family.
Fran Knight