Leaves by Stephen Hogtun

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A beautiful story about passing on knowledge and memories to the next generation, Leaves shows an older tree and a sapling, walking hand in hand as one helps the other learn the lessons she needs to know to survive.

Relationships between generations takes centre stage in this mesmerising picture book, luminous with outstanding images of trees and leaves, rippling with the memories that each holds, reinforcing the relationships between older and younger in all communities and the memories we hold dear.

The sapling is sheltered and nurtured by the older tree in their journeys through life, one getting near the end the other just beginning.

The older tree teaches the younger one how to bend with the wind, to deflect the sun on its boroughs, to weather the storms, each a lesson in life skills that are pertinent to us all.

He teachers her about love and companionship, memories and life’s journey, and when his leaves begin to fade, it is up to the younger sapling to take over the role of her mentor, to face the world by herself but with a great store of knowledge, to teach others in her turn.

Younger children will love the images of the two trees walking through life, hand in hand, learning as they go, each helping the other with major lessons in life.
The sweep of illustrations cover each page with outstanding colour and movement. Readers will love spotting the seasons, the different aspects fo he weather, the leaves leaving a trail for home.

Norwegian artist and writer, Stephen Hogtun lives near a fjord and brings with his work a sense of isolation and wonder at the environment he recreates on the pages. I loved looking back over each page, noting the small details. And the last few pages where the smaller tree must survive on her own will resonate with all readers, looking at loss and surviving without that cherished person by their side.

Themes: Loss, Death, Intergenerational relationships, Old age, Mentorship, Love, Companionship.

Fran Knight