Kisses for Daddy by Frances Watts and David Legge

(Age 2-5) Recommended. A reissue of the book first published in 2005, this story will be a hit at bedtime. A grumbly Baby Bear refuses to give his father any bedtime kisses, although Daddy imagines all the different types of kisses that baby animals give their fathers. There are many types of kisses including bear kisses, long tall giraffe kisses, and cuddly koala kisses, but Baby Bear's answer each time is 'No kiss for Daddy'. This is a beautifully illustrated story that clearly shows the love between father and child. Daddy Bear is gorgeous and patient, using things around the house to come up with ideas for different animal kisses.Children will have fun finding the animal on each page, the drawings often carefully hidden in a shadow or as an everyday utensil. It's a book that could lead to a lot of fun at bathtime and bedtime, with father and child reciting the words and having lots of kisses and closeness. There is enough repetition of key phrases like 'No! ' said Baby Bear. 'No kiss for Daddy', for the parent and child to remember the story as they prepare for bed, or for them to make up other animal kisses and action.
Pat Pledger