Kevin saves the show by Jacqueline Harvey. Illus. by Kate Isobel Scott

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In verse, each pair of rhyming lines will intrigue readers as they hear more about the wonderful Kevin, the curious sheep, and predict the rhyming words as they turn each page. Readers will love reading again about Kevin, introduced two years ago in Kevin the sheep. Ever adventurous, Kevin tries things which other sheep find most concerning. At the local show, Kevin sets up a song competition. For a dollar admission the prospective competitors will use karaoke to display their talents. Kevin in his purple phase, welcomes the range of competitors who turn up. Wanda the bantam is followed by Polly the pig and Gary the goat who precedes the four sheep, Shaun, Shauna, Sheryl and Shane.

The last sheep performs, making the audience gasp at his spine-tingling singing. Kevin then gives out all the commendations and then the runner up. But when the winner is announced, no one is surprised. But eagerly picking up his cup, he trips over a cord and his sheep suit falls off his back.

Everyone is in uproar; a wolf has come into the fray and the scrum which follows causes Kevin to grab the microphone and ask for quiet so the wolf can speak.

What he says will have readers laughing hilariously as the wolf garners sympathy from the sheep with his tale of rejection. 

Kevin in his purple phase invites the readers to open this book. His genial face on the front cover is reciprocated as the story evolves. Funny images appear on each page, designed to entrance younger readers, who will seek out the various sheep mentioned in the tale. I love the image of the four sheep working together for their act, the many sheep attempts at winning the cup, and the wolf’s tears as he begs for help. A wolf in sheep’s clothing indeed.

Themes: Sheep, Karaoke, Competition, Wolves.

Fran Knight