I love you book by Libby Hathorn and Heath McKenzie

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IP Books, 2011 ISBN 978 1 9214798 9 2
(Ages 4+) Picture book. A book promoting the same sentiments as Look, a BOOK! (Libby Gleeson and Freya Blackwood) but in an entirely different way, I love you book, has short stanzas on each page extolling the virtues of reading a book. So we see Dad reading to the children, or the children being flown away on a cloud of imagination, or talking about the words contained in a book and the dizzying heights a book can take you. The picture book talks about books good enough to eat, the smell and feel of books, the love of stories read in the past and those still to come and those read over and over again.
Each page is overwhelmingly colourful and energetic, as the children roll about in bed, or take to the stage, or go under the sea, or jump across piles of books. Enthusiasm for and a love of books is revealed on each page, and all readers will find things to look at and recognise amidst the scattering of people, animals and places.
Appropriately 2012 is the National year of Reading in Australia, designed to promote reading and books throughout the country and this along with several other books, will be read and reread as teachers promote reading with their classes.
Fran Knight