How to talk to a tiger by Jason Bittel. Illus. by Kelsey Buzzell

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The title How to talk to a Tiger and Other Animals and the beautiful cover illustrations instantly draw the reader in. This engaging non-fiction text gives a myriad of information about how animals communicate. The contents page is divided into four sections, Sights, Sounds, Smell and Taste, and Electrosensory and Touch, and discusses many animals and their behaviour. From electric blue flames found in the seas off the islands off Bermuda which are actually Bermuda fire worms, how the jackdaw uses its eyes to engage in a staring competition to keep a nest and to the male lyrebird of the south of Australia that mimics all sounds it hears, this book will continue to provide hours and hours of reading enjoyment. While the font is relatively small it is broken into easy to read and follow chunks and is complemented by wonderful illustrations which draw the reader’s eye to the text. As well as a detailed index, this book also cleverly labels each sense reviewed next to the odd page numbers.

This book is a perfect book to browse as there is so much information to be learnt and shared and would be a perfect addition to a home, school or public library.

Themes: Animals, Communication, Senses -sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, Nature, Science.

Kathryn Beilby