How to be ... A friend by Anna Branford

Author Anna Branford has written a thoughtful and gentle follow up to How to be ... the New Person, and once again two of the main characters, best friends Hazel and Laura, are central to the story. Both the girls make up pretend instructional online tutorials during the day to often help them cope with worrying things but also for fun.
In this story Laura’s Mum is pregnant and unwell, her dad is in Greece, and Laura is becoming very worried. She has started forgetting things, coming to school looking unkempt and Hazel is concerned. Once Laura shares this secret worry with Hazel that has been weighing heavily on her mind, Hazel is determined to help. Even standing up to the mean comments directed towards Laura from Camila and Mika. Eventually the important adults in the girls’ lives become aware of the situation and step in to help Laura and her mum. Hazel is thrilled to learn that Laura will stay with her for a few days while her Mum is in hospital and her family do their best to make her feel comfortable.
Also included in the story is the exciting school play, video conversations with older friend Veronica in the nursing home, meeting the new neighbours and finding their missing cat, dealing with unkind words from Camila and Mika, and a surprising resolution to a friendship issue.
This delightful story is one that may be an important read for young readers struggling with friendship worries and other challenges in life.
Themes: Family, Friendship, Illness, Worry, Neighbours, School, Support.
Kathryn Beilby