Hello world by Lisa Shanahan and Leila Rudge

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Toddlers will love the familiarity of all the things that the little girl sees once the sun comes up. The rhythm of the text is beguiling and just right to read aloud to very young children:

Hello world
Hello sun.
Hello day just begun.

The narrative continues through the child’s day, going from waking up in the cot, to a family breakfast, getting dressed and greeting the twirly-curly cat. The activities during the day are described; drumming, having a snack, gluing glitter, and playing in the backyard. Then for a nap for everyone except the child; mum picks up siblings from school, the family goes to the park, then dinner, bath, and bedtime story.

This is sure to be a favourite with toddlers, the ‘hello’ in the text repetitive enough for a young child to read along, but with some gorgeous images that are memorable, like “Hello park, joy of joys!” Young children will love to predict what the little girl does on the next page and will enjoy talking about their day and whether they do some of the activities that make up her day.

The illustrations are gorgeous. The loving family is depicted with warmth and there are lots of details for the reader to peruse and talk about. The family cat is delightful and features throughout; the little girl even puts it to bed in a cot of its own before she goes to sleep. The endpapers too are lovely, a bright yellow as the sun comes up, and dark with the moon as the family goes to bed.

This book is a keeper and will be one that is kept in the family for future generations to enjoy.  

Themes: Read aloud, Family life, Young children.

Pat Pledger