Grace the amazing by Aleesah Darlison

Grace the Amazing is a heart-warming novel written by well-known Australian author Aleesah Darlison. The delightful character of Grace will resonate with many young readers. She is full of energy, passion and creativity, yet struggles to find her place amongst her peers. School is not easy for her and a constant source of angst. Her one ‘saving grace’ in the grind of surviving is her weekly art lessons with her beloved teacher Pamela. They have a strong bond and Pamela sees Grace for what she is, a clever and extremely talented young person. Pamela also understands that Grace shies away from forming friendships as she so often speaks her mind and seemingly lacks the ability to say what others want to hear.
When Pamela is absent from class and teachers talk in hushed tones, Grace slowly begins to realise that something is not quite right. Outside of school she befriends foster child Fromelles and they form a kind of friendship although Grace is more intent on finding out what is wrong with Pamela. Fromelles is struggling with his own loss but offers support to Grace in her quest for the truth. When it is discovered Grace is determined that magic is the only way to make things better.
Grace the Amazing is a lively and engaging story full of deep emotions between the main characters of Grace and her mother, as well as Grace and Pamela. The experience of losing a dear friend is sensitively shared and the reader can feel the loss Grace suffers. This beautiful story is also leaves the reader with hope that one day Grace will be able to connect with others under her own terms and remain the energetic, quirky and charismatic child she is.
Themes: School, Friendship, Mental Health, Cancer, Grief, Magic, Family, Loss, Hope.
Kathryn Beilby