Gorski's Bitemare by Robert Favretto

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Illus. by Danny Willis. Gorski's Bitemare. Ford Street Publishing, 2019. ISBN: 9781925804164.
(Age: 8+) Recommended. Themes: Humour, Family, Vampires, Adventure, School, Consequences. Gorski, his sister Drusella, and their parents turn into vampires when night comes. Both Gorski's parents work night shift in human jobs -his dad as a phlebotomist (someone who takes blood) and his mum as a photo developer who works in a dark room. While they are at work Gorski and Drusella go to the Belfry Academy which is a school for all kinds of bats.
After meeting their new teacher, the very scary Dr Acula, Gorski and his best mate, Bram decide to escape school to search for mosquitoes to feast on at the local swamp. While on their adventure, Gorski is bitten by an officious student fruit bat and it sets off a chain of events in motion including detention from Dr Acula as well as a devastating change to Gorski's bat body. Dr Stoker is called into treat Gorski but it seems that there is little hope unless they can find a miraculous cure.
Gorski is a mischievous character who is always planning his next adventure. He keeps the reader amused with his antics which will appeal to many younger students. The author has cleverly included bat facts and humorous bat language throughout this book. The detailed illustrations are spaced throughout the book and set the scene for this light hearted story.
Kathryn Beilby