Future justice edited by Helen Sykes
Future Leaders 2010 ISBN 9780980332049.
(Age 15+) Recommended. Every year, Dr Helen Sykes, founder of the
'Future leader' program,
chooses a theme to be considered by expert commentators and younger
writers. This year's theme is future justice - the possibility of
creating a more just world for future generations.
Janna Thompson defines intergenerational justice, Ian McDonald
questions society's preoccupation with economic growth and Michael
Kirby promotes equity regardless of sexual orientation. The Australian
Constitution is examined by Cheryl Saunders and George Williams
explains the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.
Spencer Zifcak offers solutions for the problems of the United Nations
while Jennifer Robinson compares the fates of West Papua and East Timor
to highlight the value of self-determination. Paula Gerber argues the
case for human rights education.
The moral dilemmas created by climate change are a recurring theme.
Peter Doherty considers the science, Julian Burnside discusses
Australia's obligations to environmental refugees and Larissa Behrendt
reminds us of that we hold the land 'on trust'.
Ten award-winning contributions by younger writers have a broader theme
- the human condition. Their subjects range from fictional treatments
of emotional issues, such as Alzheimers, to a wry recount of a year
spent running a school Environment Club.
The adult contributors have credentials in science, law, economics and
medicine, a passion for their subjects and experience as effective
communicators. Even when swayed by personal experience, their articles
are considered, balanced, concise, well organised and easy to read.
Technical terms are explained in the body of the text. The younger
writers demonstrate a desire for a fairer society and a growing
awareness of the power of the written
Future justice is a thought-provoking and rewarding book. A free copy
can be obtained from the Future
leaders website.
Elizabeth Bor