Flight of the kite a story about persistence by Penny Harris & Winnie Zhou

The authors from this award-winning children’s series promoting emotional development and wellbeing have written an uncomplicated story about persistence. These easy to read and share stories begin with an introduction to each of the characters and their personalities. In this story it is a windy day, and the animal friends decide to make kites. Each of them has their own individual way of constructing a kite and they all eventually achieve their goal. However, along the way Pinney ‘Potamus rushes through his kite making and things do not go quite according to plan. His friends try to teach him to be patient and take care and in the end they all co-operate to build one giant kite.
Younger readings will identify with the main characters and for parents and educators there is a valuable lesson to be learnt and shared with children.
Themes: Persistence, Kite making, Friends, Windy Weather, Social skills, Wellbeing, Emotional development and intelligence.
Kathryn Beilby