Fabulous frogs by Katrina Germein. Illus. by Suzanne Houghton

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Children’s non-fiction picture book duo, author Katrina Germein and illustrator Suzanne Houghton who wrote the delightful book Wonderful Wasps, have once again combined to present another engaging factual book, Fabulous Frogs. Written in skilfully constructed rhyme, this book will captivate and amaze readers as they learn all about a variety of Australian frogs. With a striking front cover displaying some rather appealing frogs, readers will be immediately drawn to this book. The detailed endpapers showcase 18 different frogs, numbered and named, in various colours, shapes and sizes, that are featured throughout this entertaining book.

Cleverly commencing with two questions, Do you have a favourite, fabulous frog? A fine fascinating, Australian frog? provides a perfect learning moment for children to share what they already know about frogs. These questions are followed by many remarkable and unique facts about Australian frogs. For example, frogs eat frogs that are smaller in size, or that the male Pouched frog has pouches on his legs where the tadpoles turn into frogs. The glorious full colour illustrations accompanying the text provide added impact and the ability for the readers to visualise and differentiate between each frog.

Fabulous Frogs also raises important environmental issues that children will be able to understand and appreciate:

Frogs need fresh water to drink through their skin.
So, make sure your rubbish goes into a bin.
Litter that falls into gutters and drains
flows into waterways after the rains.
Avoid using chemicals out in your yard.
They hurt froggy skin, which makes breathing too hard.

Educators in the early and middle grade years are often looking for accessible texts to teach their students research and report writing skills. Fabulous Frogs would be an excellent resource to support these concepts as there is the opportunity to find key words, learn about life cycles, descriptions, habitats, predators and diet. There are further fascinating facts in the final pages, an extensive glossary and a valuable guide to creating a frog-friendly garden.

Teacher resources are available.

Themes: Frogs, Animal Conservation, Food Chains, Animal Classification (taxonomy) Habitats.

Kathryn Beilby