Everyday play by Kate Ritchie

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Kate Ritchie, well know author, actor and radio personality, has written an honest and breezy account reflecting on the joy to be found in everyday life.  The book begins with a personal note from Kate telling of her past happiness found from being in the garden and then not having a garden but finding delight doing a myriad of other enjoyable activities that are either free or inexpensive. Everyday Play does not have a contents page at the beginning but is set out in seasons beginning with Autumn and in the final pages there are a range of lists with different activities to do with the corresponding page numbers for easy access.

This attractively presented book is full of ideas such as writing a story, reading a book, making a worry doll or lollipop spiders, starting a collection of items from nature, even cooking up a storm with recipes such as pizza, rainbow fruit platers and shortbread. Complete with delightful photographs and illustrations, coloured pages and inserts, plus clearly segmented information, this easily accessible book is perfect for middle - upper primary school readers and their adults who might find themselves at a loose end during holidays, on a weekend or after school.

Themes: Play, Recipes, Activities, Games, Ideas, Nature.

Kathryn Beilby