Dreamless by Josephine Angelini

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Starcrossed. Macmillan, 2012. ISBN 9780330529747.
Strongly recommended. True love can never really die, can it? As the only scion that can enter the Underworld to complete a seemingly impossible task, When Helen Hamilton sleeps, instead of dreaming she wonders through Hades, trying to end the cycle of revenge that curses all scions. Not dreaming is putting a toll on her mind and trying to fight fatigue during the day is wearing her out. Without Lucas Delos, her true love, Helen doesn't know if she has the strength to continue. But when she finds someone in the Underworld, someone who cannot be there, she has something to keep her going. Funny and brave Orion keeps Helen company in the Underworld when no one else can. The Fury's call for blood is getting louder and harder to ignore. Helen needs to find a way to end the Fury's call for blood and soon. But is forgetting Lucas the hardest task of all.
After reading this I was speechless. Helen has evolved so much in this book; her character is strong and is powerful in all she does. Even with Orion being introduced I knew she would love Lucas more. The love triangle made the book intriguing and was having me hang onto every word. The relationships between all the characters are really tight and like no other, really.
Cecilia Richards (Student.