Destroy the Day by Brigid Kemmerer

The last book in the series, following Defy the night and Defend the dawn will make readers happy to see a satisfying finale to an engrossing fantasy series with great characters, moving romance and political intrigue. Destroy the day continues straight on from Defend the dawn and readers should read the series beginning with the first book to fully understand the characters and plot. Prince Corrick and the rebel leader Lochlan have been captured by Oren Crane and must keep their wits about them if they want to survive. Meanwhile Tess believes that Corrick is dead and is mourning him. Although not wanting to trust Rian, she is drawn into a plot to oust Oren Crane in return for a journey back to Kandala. And Harristan is on the run, supported by Quint and desperate to save his kingdom.
The story is told in alternate chapters from the point of view of Tessa, Corrick and Harristan. Readers who have been heavily invested in the romance between Tessa and Corrick may find it difficult to read about their separation but will be engrossed in the way they manage their grief and use their skills to find a way out of their predicaments. Harriston’s story features much more heavily in Destroy the day, and readers will learn about his feelings and longing for freedom. Minor characters come into focus and it was fascinating to see how Lochlan and Corrick overcame their prejudice about each other to work for their country, while Eric is a major help for Tessa, and Quint’s helpful character comes alive.
Tess has been determined to find a cure for the sickness that plagues the kingdom and her skills with herbs helps her work out how the seeds of the Moonflower can be used. And both kingdoms realise that it is important to help each other for the good of the people.
There is plenty of action to keep the reader engrossed, and while the book is over 500 pages, it is so well written that readers will find it difficult to put down and will be sure to look for any other books written by Kemmerer.
Themes: Fantasy, Romance, Rebels, Political intrigue, LGBQTI+ people.
Pat Pledger