Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment by Anna James

Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment is a warm and magical first book in what is going to be a series that captivates young readers. Reminiscent of a combination of Hogwarts and Narnia, the reader enters the world of the island of Whetherwhy..."You could sail or walk or fly for a year and a day and never find the land of Whetherwhy" explains the grandfather (narrator) in the prologue.
This tale is exciting, dangerous and warm-hearted all at the same time. The authorial choice made by British writer Anna James to create an armchair warmth from which to craft the ensuring tale keeps young readers experiencing the range of emotions: fear, hope, disbelief...from the safety of being a small grandchild at the feet of a lovely old grandfather in a "...burgundy cashmere jumper and corduroy trousers"..."in a velvet armchair whose arms have been worn to a shiny softness." To guide the plot, readers enter the world of grandfather and grandchildren being introduced to the tale in the "Prologue". As the reader (represented by the grandchildren who are being told the tale) becomes desperate, stressed and full of questions about what is going to happen there is an "Interlude." There is a calming interchange between grandfather and the children ..."Let's find out, the grandfather says, settling back into his chair and turning to the next chapter." In the "Epilogue", the grandfather closes the book saying, "That was the first Chronicle of Whetherwhy..." and he suggests that "perhaps" he could read a second chronicle...
Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment begins on the first day of spring when the magic of every thirteen-year-old in Whetherwhy is measured. All children have magic but not every child can be an Enchanter. A sense of combined old magic and history is created. Our central characters Rafferty and Juniper are twins. Juniper discovers that she is an Enchanter and has to leave her brother and family to study at Thistledown Academy of Enchantment. Juniper begins to take lessons learning how to control her magical power, Rafferty follows her to the capital city of Stormgrove to take up an apprenticeship as a book binder and dangerous magical forces rise up. There is a sense of approaching doom, of increasing disruption to the fine balance of the seasons. People are not who they seem to be. There is a sinister evil force emerging.
Anna James is the author of two fantasy adventure series for 7+readers. Pages and Co. is an internationally bestselling series of six books. Chronicles of Whetherwhy will be a four book fantasy series. Anna has been a book journalist, literary scout, host of literary events and panels, writer about theatre and most importantly - a school librarian. Readers of Chronicles of Whetherwhy will be in very safe hands. David Whyatt's whimsical and detailed illustrations perfectly complement this delightful tale.
Much more can be said about the literary value of Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment. The language is rich, the pace of the narrative is pitch perfect, the structure supports the narrative, the setting is magical and the characters (both good and evil) are well developed.
Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment is highly recommended for lovers of fantasy aged 7+.
Themes: Magic, Enchantment, Loyalty, Family, Seasons and nature.
Wendy Jeffrey