Billy is a Dragon: Werewolves beware by Nick Falk

Random House, 2014. ISBN 9780857983077.
(Age: 8+) Billy is a Dragon: Werewolves Beware is the second book in
this series but can be read independently of the first. It is a
quick moving, fun adventure based around Billy who has become a were
Billy is learning to shift into a dragon but something or someone is
hunting him. Is it the nasty teacher who seems to be out to get him?
How will Billy hide his wings at the dinner table? What is unusual
about Billy's dog Bertha? Why does his sister get kidnapped and
should Billy rescue her? (she is rather annoying after all)
Author, Nick Falk, has created a fun and descriptive story that
would appeal to all readers even though it is recommended for
readers aged 6 +. I would recommend it to independent readers aged
8+ otherwise it would be a great read aloud novel for parents and
their children to read together.
Kylie Kempster