Bigfoot vs Yeti: A love story by James Foley

As soon as I spotted Bigfoot vs Yeti: A love story, I was certain that my 5-year-old grandson would love it and I was not wrong. He pored over the pictures, examining all the details, noting what colours were used for the Bigfoot and how the Yeti was different. He was fascinated with the idea of the two strange creatures and listened intently to the story, which was a delight to read aloud. I could see that this could become a firm favourite for him.
However, it is not just young children who will delight in the illustrations and humour. Conflict resolution and a Romeo and Juliet love story are two major themes making it appealing for all ages. I found myself pondering the futility of the feud between the two tribes; the Bigfoots stating that it began when a Yeti threw a snowball across the Rift that divided them, while the Yetis believed that a Bigfoot first threw some fruit. One night when a young Yeti and a young Bigfoot are on guard on opposite sides of the Rift, they chase each other along the edge until they come face to face. The reader will be fascinated to follow Bevan and Yolanda and see if they can end the rift between the two groups and help their tribes see the good in each other. The fact that some members will always want to feud is an important lesson for readers too.
Detailed teacher’s notes and an activity can be found here, and a book trailer and author interview are available.
This hopeful but cautionary tale has a place in all libraries and is highly recommended.
Themes: Bigfoot, Yeti, Conflict, Love.
Pat Pledger