Be home for Armageddon by Luke Edwards

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Omnibus, 2012.
Luke Edwards' first novel, Be home for Armageddon, is a story of amazing complexity and hilarious predicaments.
To give too much more detail would spoil the book for prospective readers, but it details the impact on an urban community of the Holingtons, who arrive unannounced from outer space, seeking to experience life in a developed civilization.
The main character is 17 year old Victor, alarmed and confused when an explosion demolishes a house in his street. His friend, Soo, a 17 year old school girl, adept at creating convincing excuses for getting out of class, urges him to find out what is going on. Once they realise who is living amongst them, they enlist the help of Mr Blake, the science teacher at their school. The trio struggle valiantly to work through the potentially disastrous problems created unwittingly by the visitors while at the same time, maintaining friendly relations with them.
Though their characters aren't developed in any detail, Victor and Soo are likeable young people. Their repartee adds to the humour of the novel as their relationship develops from friendship to something more. Mr Blake, too, in an effort to solve the mathematical equations associated with the dilemma, rekindles a relationship with a former girlfriend.
The story moves at a cracking pace with many laugh out loud moments as Victor, Soo and Blake muster up logical sounding reasons to keep people from discovering the true identity of the.Holington family. Explanations of why the Holington's speak with a refined British accent, what defines neighbourly behaviour and why home schooling is the best option for the youngest Holington are just some of the hilarious moments in the novel.
Luke Edwards has created a light hearted farce which will appeal to teenagers prepared to suspend belief just for the sheer fun of it.
Thelma Harvey