Ape by Martin Jenkins and Vicky White
Walker Books, 2009.
(Ages : Lower Primary) Recommended. A beautifully illustrated and
informative picture book for younger readers, Ape will
delight and inform those who open its pages. The opening lines draw the
reader into reading further to find out about the four rare apes around
the world. Each; Orag-utan, Chimp, Bonobo and Gorilla is given between
6 and 8 pages in which basic details are given about their lives. The
reader learns bout their habitat, eating habits, family groups and
where they sleep. All is told in spare sentences, in large print, with
no unnecessary words or embellishment.
The black and white illustrations reflect the words on each page, so
that younger readers can see for themselves just how closely these four
apes resemble the fifth ape, humans. The faces, postures, gestures and
expressions are all familiar to us all, as we see them everyday
reflected in our friends and families. In the last four pages, this is
reiterated, and the similarities between each of the five apes are
underlined. The last page gives information along with a map, about the
endangered nature of four of the ape families, contrasting their
declining populations with our burgeoning numbers. The whole is a
wonderful picture book introduction to younger readers about the ape
family, as well as the twin issues of conservation and overpopulation.
A small index and web addresses for further research finish the book.
Fran Knight