All aboard! Planes by Radka Piro. Illus. by Diarmuid O. Cathain

PLANES is the third book in the All Aboard! informative series, following on from ROCKETS and SUBMARINES. This brightly coloured and well-illustrated board book begins with Karl the kiwi wishing he could fly. He then decides to become a pilot and begins some research into what he needs to do to achieve his dream. Along the way Karl learns many new facts about important details of flight such as aerodynamics, the four opposing forces: lift, weight, thrust and resistance, the history of aviation, the earth’s atmosphere, weather, sky traffic and finally what the future may hold.
The information is easily accessible in blocks of text with highlighted challenging words and well-spaced among colourful illustrations of objects/images related to the topic. This book is definitely one for sharing one-on-one with a young plane enthusiast.
Themes: Planes, Flight, History of Aviation, Board Book.
Kathryn Beilby