A Shorebird Flying Adventure by Jackie Kerin. Illus. by Milly Formby

A fascinating new CSIRO release, A Shorebird Flying Adventure, provides all readers, both young and old, with insightful information into what may be an unfamiliar topic about an amazing species of birds. In Australia there are over 50 species of shorebirds, many of whom travel thousands of kilometres to the Artic Tundra to breed.
The journey of the shorebirds is well-documented by pilot, zoologist and illustrator Milly Formby who has combined with author Jackie Kerin to present a wonderful factual picture book style read that will immediately appeal to younger readers. The pages are bright and colourful with beautiful illustrations, and full of interesting information. The clever use of text boxes, labelled drawings of different birds encouraging the reader to spot them on the page, as well as detailed maps and diagrams, will engage the reader from beginning to end.
Did you know that shorebirds are one of the most endangered species of birds in the world due to changes in their wetland habitat? The impact of agriculture, development, climate change, aquaculture, hunting, human and animal disturbance plus invasive plants is having a detrimental effect on their existence. This is clearly represented in a clever double page spread followed by another double page showing how and why wetlands are important to all.
There is a fabulous website by Milly Formby which students can access to find out further information, Wing Threads. There are also excellent teacher notes.
This book would be a significant and worthwhile resource for all school and public libraries.
Themes: Migratory Birds, Shorebirds, Australia, Endangered Species, Environmental Issues, Wetlands.
Kathryn Beilby