There are fish everywhere by Britta Teckentrup

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Big Picture Press, 2018. ISBN 9781787410763.
As summer draws on, it is likely that many of our young readers will have either been fishing or will have eaten fish or perhaps seen them 'in the flesh' over the past few months. While those who have caught them in rivers, lakes or the sea may be able to identify the species of their catch, with over 33,600 described species in the world, fish are the most diverse creatures than any other group of vertebrates found in aquatic environments all over the world.
'Big or small, spiny or flat, spiky or blobby, bright or exactly the same colour as the sand', fish have inhabited the planet for about 420 million years, and in this richly illustrated, informative book from Britta Teckentrup, young readers can investigate all things fishy, from the biological characteristics of fish to their evolution to what lives where. Focused on providing initial answers to a variety of questions it is a broad-ranging text that will satisfy the reader's curiosity and perhaps inspire them to investigate further. With information in manageable chunks and accessible language it is an ideal starter text for the independent reader, and with invitations to search for things, including the rarely seen but most common fish on the planet, the bristlemouth, they are encouraged to read and look carefully. Ideal for those with an interest in these amazing creatures.
Barbara Braxton