The Sad Ghost Club: A hopeful guide to getting through bad days by Lize Meddings

The Sad Ghost Club: A hopeful guide to getting through bad days is one in a series of four, written and illustrated by Lize Meddings. For those children who often feel invisible and alone, this brief, simply written and graphically illustrated guide, may provide the beginning of support to cope with situations they find challenging.
This clever and at times humorous story features SG and Socks, two "ghosts" who struggle with daily tasks and meet at an overwhelming party. Their journey of coping with situations is communicated to readers who may be able to relate to the ideas.
Ten important rules about not being sad are shared:
1. Do not overthink everything
2. Try and accept help if you can
3. It’s ok to take breaks
4. Do not listen to really sad music until 2am. Try to listen to something uplifting before you sleep
5. Keep moving forward
6. Remember, this will pass
7. A change of scenery can really help
8. Try and talk about it now and then
9. Spend time outdoors when you can
10. Try to stick to your normal routine
These rules are followed by ten rules for making friends, ten rules for being there, asking for support and ideas for doing things together, as well as self-care, and loving yourself. Throughout the book the graphic images are uncomplicated and surrounded by plenty of ‘white space’. The text is easily accessible and will appeal to a range of reading abilities.
In the final pages there is an index of mental health services mainly set in the UK although there are a few worldwide online organisations. This maybe an important read for those people who struggle with their mental health and may need a book like The Sad Ghost Club to begin a healing journey.
Themes: Mental Health, Graphic Novel, Guide, Feeling Invisible, Daily Struggles, Support, Conversations.
Kathryn Beilby