The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder

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Penguin Books 2012. ISBN: 9780141340722. Paperback, 368pgs.
(Age 14+) Recommended. Campbell (Cam) has terminal cancer and has just been told by her doctor that after five years of chemo, there is nothing more they can do. Cam is ready to give up, to accept that she is dying but Cam's stubborn mum; Alicia and younger sister Perry are not ready to hear there is nothing left for them to try. They've heard of a town called Promise in Maine, a place where amazing, unexplained events are supposed to happen. If you can find the town - and most people can't - miracles can happen. What Cam needs is a miracle, but seventeen-year-old Cam doesn't believe in miracles. However, she embarks on this road trip and pursues her 'flamingo list'; a list of things to accomplish before she dies which was made with best friend and fellow cancer sufferer Lily. Cam is such a likeable character, that you really hope there is a miracle. This easy to read debut novel is a real page turner as you race towards the end in the hope of a real miracle. It is a beautiful story told through Cam's point of view, which is hilarious in places, especially Cam's Nana. I would recommend it to 14+ and fans of Jenny Downham's Before I die.
Michelle Thomson