The Best Kind of Kiss by Margaret Allum

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Ill. by Jonathan Bentley. Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 9781921894084.
(Age 2-4) A little girl just loves kisses of any kind - big kisses, small kisses, fluttery butterfly kisses but most of all she loves the 'great big bristly-growly-daddy-kiss' from her father.
The language in this book would make it a good read aloud for bedtime. Charming sentences like 'I kiss the cat for a fluffy kiss . . . and the dog for a waggly kiss' will lend themselves to little children making different kissing noises. It is also an ideal book for fathers to read to little girls with its gorgeous conclusion.
The illustrations by Jonathan Bentley complement the text. The little girl, with her puckered lips ready to kiss just about everything, is very captivating. The big bow in her hair and cute little dresses for different occasions add to her appeal. of the book. Coloured in soft yellows, pale orange and browns, the pictures are tranquil, ideal for a bedtime story.
Pat Pledger