Star Wars: Meet the heroes: R2-D2 by Emma Grange

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DK, 2019. ISBN: 9780241387740. 63p
(Age: 8+) Themes: Star Wars, Heroes, Cinema. Devoted to a single character in the Star Wars franchise, R2-D2 is illustrated with colourful movie stills from the original trilogy, prequels and sequels. This hardback about a fictional character takes the form of a Q and A or 'fast-fact' reference book, complete with a glossary of regular concepts in addition to Star Wars jargon.
The arbitrary lesser known facts are intriguing: What language does R2-D2 speak? Which worlds has R2-D2 visited? There are a few well known plot questions such as: Does R2-D2 ever save a Queen? The enthusiastic and detailed explanations reinforce the fame of this pop culture icon.
With more Star Wars heroes planned, this series promises to explain the strengths and foibles of the major characters to a legion of new Star Wars fans.
Deborah Robins