Shoo grumpers shoo! by Josh Lawson

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Ill. by Shelley Knoll-Miller. Omnibus Book, 2018. ISBN 9781742991955
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. We all have days when we feel like the world is against us, or simply we just rolled out of bed on the wrong side - we are grumpy! And Josh Lawson (Australian actor best known for TV sitcom 'House of Lies') calls them Grumpers.
'When you find yourself with a grumper, or two, you need to tell those grumpers to shoo for it's grumpers that bring out the grumpy in you'
A Grumper can best be described as a small winged creature that causes chaos in your life and just really gets you down. They make you huff and puff, frown, screw up your face and even whinge and whine. BUT... there is help and this book gives a whole heap of ideas for even the most grumpiest of child (or adult!) to shoo those grumpers away.
I really liked this story and for so many reasons!
I loved that it takes the all too familiar feeling of grumpiness and gives it a face for children. This can then be used during these times to distract and turn a bad day into a good one.
The list of activities to do are also amazing, and easy to do anywhere - such as sing, dance or laugh.
The illustrations are so lovely and show the bond between a mother and child that can sometimes be frustrating but also so much fun.
In essence, I found this book really relatable and able to be re-read at grumpy times and even just discussed. The phrase 'Are there some grumpers around here?' Is now familiar in our house.
A great book for both home and in the classroom. 5 out of 5.
Lauren Fountain