Rosie Gigglepip's lucky escape by Daisy Meadows

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Magic Animal Friends. Orchard Books, 2015. ISBN 9781408326329
(Age: 6+) For fans of the series. Themes: Magical Animals, Pets, Witches, Dragons. Lily and Jess are best friends, they love helping to care for the sick animals at the Helping Paw Animal Hospital, run by Lily's parents. They also have a special friend, Goldie the magical talking cat who leads them on adventures into the Friendship Forest. They enter the forest through a special door, hidden in the big oak tree and shrink in size with their skin tingling like bubbly lemonade.
The forest families are threatened by a fierce storm, with heavy rain, thunder and lightning scaring the small creatures. Of course, Grizelda the evil witch is behind the destruction. She has commanded Breezy the storm dragon to destroy the Gigglepip's home, a windmill called The Whirligig.
Jess and Lily save the day with a little help from the dragon family and peace is restored in the Magical Animal Kingdom. Another junior novel from the popular Daisy Meadows team.
Rhyllis Bignell