Nanny Piggins: The daring rescue by R.A. Spratt

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Random House Australia, 2012. ISBN 9781742754970.
Recommended for its humour and subversive behaviour. Nanny Piggins fans will welcome this, the 7th book in the series featuring the World's Greatest Flying Pig in more outrageous adventures. The title refers to the daring rescue of her employer, Mr Green, in true Nanny Piggins style, with panache, humour and a liberal supply of delicious cakes.
As with all books in the series each chapter is a story and each story is a stand-alone story, which as Rachel Spratt suggests is great if the dog eats the first few chapters. It also makes the books highly accessible to younger independent readers who may find a whole novel challenging and what better way to end a school day than another dose of mayhem with Nanny and her young charges.
Nanny Piggins is always at hand to help. She secures employment at a radio station for Percy, the World's Greatest Talking Parrot, has Boris the dancing bear, who lives in the back shed, teach Mr Green to tap dance in order to secure a promotion and is a super secretary for Mr Green when the efficiency experts are bought in to audit the office. Of course as with all Nanny Piggins adventures, results are not necessarily as expected and often outrageous, but always accompanied by chocolate, cake and icecream and interspersed with episodes of 'The Young and the Irritable'.
Now, I'm afraid, it is time to take some of Nanny Piggins advice, so off I go to make a chocolate cake and practice some 'transencakeal meditation'!
Sue Keane