Nanny Piggins and the Rival Ringmaster by R.A. Spratt

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Random House Australia, 2011. ISBN: 978-1864718157.
Suitable for ages 10+. This is the fifth book of the series. A blurb by the author, in the first few opening pages, explain the story so far. These books are written in a way that there is no story sequence so the reader doesn't have to have the previous books to get up to speed with the storyline. Each book is a collection of adventures that the main character, Nanny Piggins, has. In this book, the reader is immediately involved with the comings and goings of Nanny Piggins' life!She is nanny to three children: Derrick, Samantha and Michael. No mother is in the story but Mr. Green is their father, who tries to stay out of Nanny Piggins' way (he doesn't like her and thinks a pig is unsuitable to look after his children). As you read into the story, you are introduced to some characters that Nanny Piggins grew up with, like Boris, the 700kg dancing bear. Nanny Piggins' real name is Sarah and she grew up as a perfoming pig in a circus. The Ringmaster turns out to be evil and the bane of Nanny Piggins' life. An invitation to Nanny Piggins from the Ringmaster, is delivered by a brick through a window. The Ringmaster is going to make a person disappear right before their very eyes on the steps of the town hall. The Ringmaster is accused of kidnapping Mr. Green and of tax evasion and so ends up in jail. Is this the end of the Ringmaster?
A chance meeting with Esmerelda the elephant from Nanny Piggins' circus days strolls into her life. All of the circus folk run away from their circus for a holiday in Nanny Piggins' backyard. They miss the Ringmaster and decide their life at the circus has become boring without him. Do the performers return to their life in the circus after a holiday with Nanny Piggins? Will the Ringmaster get out of jail?
There are many more adventures of Nanny Piggins in this series that young readers will enjoy.
Janet Cassidy