My fair godmother by Janette Rallison

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My fair godmother, bk 1. Walker, 2009. ISBN 9780802720733.
(Age: 12+) Fairy tale retold.  Savannah Delano is devastated when her boyfriend Hunter dumps her for her clever sister Jane just before the prom. However Chrissy, her fair godmother (a student fairy godmother), comes to the rescue with disastrous results as Savannah is sent back to the Middle Ages, first as Cinderella and then as Snow White. Then she sends back Tristan and Savannah has to try and rescue him.
This is a very entertaining story with many laugh out loud moments as the reader follows the misadventures of Savannah as she scrubs floors and milk cows in the dark ages. Her fair godmother is obsessed with shopping and parties and doesn't seem to have enough time to sort out Savannah's problems and even when she tries she makes a mess.
The dialogue is very quirky and the reader gets to know Savannah very well through her funny, wry comments and descriptions. It is also a humorous look at finding a prince in a strange place.
A feel good book, it is ideal for anyone who wants a good laugh and who enjoys the fairy tale retold genre, as I do.
Pat Pledger