Hush, little possum : an Australian lullaby by P Crumble

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Ill. by Wendy Binks. Scholastic, 2015. ISBN 9781743626436
(age: 3+) Humour, Poetry, Singing, Australian animals. The prolific P Crumble or Paul Dumble is at it again, using an old song and changing the lyrics to suit a modern audience, or perhaps simply presenting an old song in a smart new version. Recently there has been a plethora of these published by Scholastic, with the junior primary class in mind. Brightly illustrated, a CD in the front cover and energetic verses on each page, they must be read and re read, read out loud, hummed, sung and drummed to enhance the words on the page, and I can imagine groups of kids doing this with gusto and lots of laughs.
This one has used the verse of Hush little baby, don't you cry to produce a similar song about the strength of maternal love. Easy to sing along to, easy to read with its bold illustrations helping the younger reader, and lovely to listen to Deborah Mailman's voice on the CD, the whole will be a useful addition to the classroom where verse and music are used. The illustrator, Wendy Binks has used the Australian landscape with effect, promoting the discussion of things recognisably Australian, such as the tractor in a galvanised iron shed, the eucyalypt and mallee forest, a windmill, along with the various Australian animals.
Fran Knight