Donut Days by Lara Zeilen

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Speak, 2010. ISBN 9780142417218.
(Age 12+) Emma's life is a mess. Her best friend isn't talking to her and the boy she's known forever and dismissed has suddenly become a hottie. Her parents are both preachers and are refusing to pay for college unless she goes to a Christian school, something she absolutely does not want to do. Her only chance is the Crispy Dream, a new donut franchise in town. People are camping out to be the first ever served and the local paper is awarding a scholarship to the person who writes the best story about the donut camp. But can Emma rely just on donuts for her salvation?
In this story there are great characters. Emma is a struggling teen trying to deal with overly Christian parents. Emma's mum is struggling to keep her preaching position in the church after someone has a 'prophecy' and demands women should not be able to preach. Emma also meets a Harley bikie gang at the camp who are avid Christians and are quite harmless, especially the leader, a massive man named Bear who likes knitting.
The characters were realistic and easy to relate to. I found myself laughing at the sarcasm that Emma uses to tell her story. It wasn't a very serious book or plot, just something to read casually. I enjoyed how easy it was to read and how much fun it was to read, because the story is great. It kept me reading because the language was very good as well.
The way all the characters deal with their own problems is realistic and clever. It demonstrated some good values in life, like helping those around you, staying true to your beliefs and sticking by your friends when they're in need.
Donut Days was exceptional in its genre, because it is a funny, original, heartfelt, and lovely book to read.  
Rebecca Adams (Student)