Derek Dool Supercool 1: Bust a move by Adrian Beck

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Illus. by Scott Edgar. Puffin, 2020. ISBN: 9781760892951. 256pp., pbk.
Think of the COOLEST, FUNNIEST, most HANDSOME kid in school, times it by a gazillion and you get DEREK DILBERT DOOL. At least he thinks so . . . Pity he's the only one.
Life's tough when your name's Derek. You're destined to be uncool. But Derek is determined to find something - anything - that will change that. He's sick of being picked last in PE, of not being invited to parties, and of all the cool kids using his freckles as dot-to-dot challenges. Derek is going to find something that will make him SUPERCOOL and nothing is going to stop him.
There are many boys like Derek in our classrooms so his situation will resonate with them, and with its short chapters, punchy sentences and liberal illustrations this is a new series that is going to have wide appeal with independent readers who don't want to have to concentrate on convoluted storylines and complex characters yet. The popularity of other series like Diary of a wimpy kid has proven there is a strong market for these sorts of books amongst our newly independent male clientele so to have one that has an Australian flavour will have extra appeal.
Barbara Braxton