Cowboy and Birdbrain by A. Wallace and J. Hart

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Scholastic. 2019. ISBN: 9781760661588. 185p
(Age: 8+) Highly recommended. Cowboy is not a ringer - nor an NRL footy player. He's an actual boy with a cow's head! He and his partner Birdbrain, also a hybrid creature, work for a delivery company called 'Iffy'. You guessed it, their motto: 'We Deliver FARTS - Fast And Reliable Tracking Services'. After a call-in from the Company Secretary, Ms Hambacon, (pronounced Harm Bayshon) Cowboy and Birdbrain are grudgingly given an important delivery deadline by their boss. Between their own incompetence and the interference of a rival delivery team, the duo must overcome a number of impossible hurdles to complete their mission.
This graphic story can't miss. Adam Wallace's far-fetched narrative is littered with funny word play and acronyms. The adventure melds perfectly with James Hart's quirky caricatures in a rich parallel narrative.
The mandatory page of stickers is an unnecessary incentive because middle schoolers will be lining up for the unavoidable giggles.
Deborah Robins