Big Red Tractor saves the day by Melissa Firth

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Ill. by Cheryl Orsini. Scholastic, 2013. ISBN 9781742831251. Paperback.
Recommended. There's much about this book which recommends itself, from its cheerful and vibrant colour scheme, to the very meta last page of the book.
Big Red Tractor is working hard on the farm, ploughing the earth and planting the seeds. The weeks go by, the plants get big, and big red tractor needs a different rig. While watering the plants, the tractor driver hears a peep peep. A baby bird, tucked in a nest, has fallen from the tree, and the tractor is heading straight for it!
This is a book with sturdy pages, which will be hard for grabby young hands to rip, and easy for caregivers to wipe down - it's a book which can safely be read around yoghurt AND dirt - a big plus with the under 5's.
The text is rhythmic and the rhymes are smooth, the problems small and the solutions quick - a big plus when reading aloud, making it easy for the reader to engage their audience.
This book would be a valuable addition to any early years library - be it home or school - and comes recommended.
Freya Lucas