Be the person your dog thinks you are by C.J. Frick

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Ill. by Liza Donnelly. Nero, 2018. ISBN 9781760641023
(Age: 8-Adult) Highly recommended. Themes: Dogs, Animal-human relationships, Humour. This fully illustrated little hard back book is a joy - full of wisdom and humour, it is a volume that can be returned to again and again to gain insights into both human and dog behaviour, while getting a feel good vibe and some wise sayings at the same time.
The book starts with the words
'To be the person your dog thinks you are, you should . . . ' and continues from there with advice such as 'Be affectionate', 'Make new friends', 'Celebrate special occasions', 'Be brave'. All are accompanied by over forty full-colour humorous illustrations by Liza Donnelly of many different dogs with cute expressions and expressive ears. I especially liked the illustration of the little pug, with the words, 'Take the time to make someone smile.' The author and illustrator of this little book certainly ensured that each of them was the person their dog thought they were, certainly bringing a smile to my face. And the illustration that accompanied 'Understand that life comes with messes' will be appreciated by anyone who cleans up after a dog.
This is a book that would make an ideal present for any dog lover and would have a place in a library, being sure to lift the spirits of anyone who picked it up. It is certainly a book that can be revisited for sage advice and humorous drawings.
Pat Pledger