A blue kind of day by Rachel Tomlinson. Illus. by Tori-Jay Mordey

A Blue Kind of Day is a thoughtfully written and beautifully illustrated story about Coen, a young child who is having a day where he feels out of sorts. Author Rachel Tomlinson is a registered psychologist, and she has provided a simple yet powerful story that will resonate with parents, carers and teachers and provide support when dealing with unexplained feelings of despair in young children.
Coen is unable to articulate his feelings and chooses to stay wrapped up in his own world. 'Coen felt like a lost kite: loose in the breeze with feelings that tangled like string. He couldn’t find the words to describe why everything felt so wrong, so instead he tucked safely into himself like a turtle.'
His parents and sister Junie, who care deeply about him and his intense feelings, try very hard to engage with him and cheer him up. He does not respond and turns away from them. Finally, the family just quietly cuddles close to Coen until he reaches out to them of his own accord.
The stunning illustrations by Tori-Jay Mordey reflect a diverse family and truly enhance the text. In the final pages of the book, the author has provided further information about children and their feelings, examples of depressive symptoms to look for and how carers can help. A very valuable and important resource for home, schools and public libraries.
Themes: Children, Depression, Sensory Awareness, Family, Mental Health.
Kathryn Beilby