One small island: The story of Macquarie Island by Alison Lester and Coral Tulloch
Puffin Books, 2019. ISBN: 9780143789253. pbk, 40p.
(Ages: 6-12) Highly recommended. Themes: Macquarie Island,
Australian history, conservation. This is a new and updated
paperback edition of the award-winning publication about World
Heritage Site, Macquarie Island. In the Southern Ocean, remote
Macquarie Island is a haven for both sea and land creatures. This is
a non-fiction text written with an easy to follow narrative, from
the geological forming of the island, to its use as a base for
sealers and the introduction of destructive mice, dogs, rabbits and
cats. It details the loss of native species such as elephant seals
and the Macquarie Island parakeet. It touches on Douglas Mawson's
connection with Macquarie Island on his way to Antarctica and his
role in calling for its protection. It details the trials and
challenges that have been faced in trying to protect native species
while eradicating domestic species and opens young reader's eyes to
the delicate balance of ecosystems and how even the smallest thing
can cause major ripples. But while it is brutal and honest in
depicting the destruction of Macquarie Island it maintains hope and
reminds us that every effort to protect our world, however small, is
important and could be transformative. There are oodles of extra
information here, including a timeline, glossary, primary sources
such as letters and diary entries, maps and more but the main text
can be either read alone or along with the supporting information,
depending on age and ability. This is both a beautiful and supremely
important book for children of all ages.
Nicole Nelson