The (not quite) perfect boyfriend by Lili Wilkinson

Allen and
Unwin 2008. ISBN 9781741753462 (Girlfriend Fiction)
One of the new series called Girlfriend Fiction, this story revolves
around Midge whose best friend, Tahni never seems to have any trouble
getting a boyfriend. Midge on the other hand is unattached and has
always been so. To avoid another bout of nagging by Tahni, Midge
creates a boyfriend, a boy she met during the holidays who has returned
to England. All is well until Ben turns up as a new boy at school,
straight from England and very close to Midge's description.
The compound of errors and mistakes arising from this blunder, cause a
whole heap of trouble for all concerned, with Midge finding out that
Ben, despite realizing what has happened and doing the right thing by
Midge, is not what he seems, and Tahni taking umbrage at her
suggestions about the other new boy, George. All is resolved in the end
of course, but not before a few lessons are learned all round. Lili
Wilkinson writes in up to date language using all the technical know
how of this generation, which makes the read most satisfying for anyone
under 15 or so. And I loved her stress on grammar and spelling, with
each chapter heading introducing a new word underscored by the text.
Lili Wilkinson has a voice that is most appealing and presents issues
common in our schools, saving face, looking beyond what is presented,
and being yourself.
Fran Knight
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Consulting, 2007