High crime in Milk Bay by Moya Simons

Walker Books, 2008 ISBN 978 1
921150 60 1
(Ages 10+) The second in the series, The Walk Right In Detective
has David and Bernice intrigued by the new family which has moved in
across the road form David's house. It seems a little bizarre that
David saw a child when the family moved in, but on enquiring at the
house, was told no child existed. His antenna works overtime.
In the meantime, Bernice and David have been asked to find Mr
Butterworth's missing goats, find out who has been pinching the flowers
in the municipal gardens, and try and work out who gave Cherry a note
asking her to the dance. All makes very funny reading, and when most
crimes seem to dissolve into each other, the detectives easily solve
the case.
Upper primary readers will enjoy the thrill of the chase, and see the
clues left by the author for the reader to arrive at the conclusion
along with David and Bernice, although sometimes, they will beat David
and Bernice to the end. A solid, funny and well written series,
the distinctive covers will make the set easily recognizable.
© Pledger
Consulting, 2007