The General by Robert Muchamore

Hodder Headline, 2008
(Age 12+) The Cherub agents are sent to Las Vegas to engage in a
sophisticated war-game at Fort Reagan, a huge military base. American
and British troops are patrolling 'Reaganistan' to support the newly
elected democratic government and rout out terrorism. Hmmm -
sound familiar? The several thousand 'inhabitants' are mainly students
being paid $80 a week to take part. About ten percent are paid extra to
act as insurgents and stir up trouble for the troops. The Cherub team,
under the direction of American hating Kazakov immediately side with
the insurgents and generate spectacular problems by destroying several
million pounds worth of surveillance equipment and causing a mass break
out of violent diarrhoea among the troops. Kazakov and the Cherubs
eventually bring the war-game to a complete standstill and American
General Shirley is left red faced while muttering about unfair play.
This part of the story will certainly appeal to anyone interested in
the military and is right up to date as it deals with the faceless
enemies and urban environments encountered by the modern army.
However, as in the previous Cherub adventure,
The Sleepwalker,
presents his readers with a sequence of completely unrelated stories.
General opens with James, sporting a green Mohican, on a
mission to
infiltrate an anarchist organisation. This is interspersed with another
plot where some of the younger Cherub agents break into a state of the
art Air Traffic Control centre and completely trash it to demonstrate
the ineptitude of the cartoon style security guards. These stories fill
the first 130 pages, but end abruptly and are not referred to again
until the epilogue, some two hundred pages later.
I can't help feeling that Muchamore is growing lazy. There is no effort
to intertwine the plots. Subtlety is absent and none of the characters
are given an opportunity to reflect; one plot finishes and the next
begins in a welter of action and violence. For example, James, after
being severely beaten by the police in the first storyline, does not
appear to remember such dramatic events when captured by angry soldiers
later on in the book. A crashingly obvious flashback would have been
preferable to the complete hiatus we are presented with.
Sensitive characterisation, subtle plots, hints and build-ups are not
Muchamore's forte. Forget sophistication, lets hit 'em with a
sledgehammer. Muchamore is churning them out and I'm not convinced the
formula is working anymore. This is a book that was written in a hurry
and which lets his readers down.
Claire Larson
© Pledger
Consulting, 2007